c. 400 c. 400 |
HIPPOCRATES of Cos Island, physician, flourishes. Λ ANATOMY: Disected and vivisected animals, assuming humans to be same. (See Diogenes 440, Diocles 350, Praxagoras 320) Λ MEDICINE: 1st to say disease is not caused by gods or demons. "I do not believe that body is ever befouled by a god." Disease is caused by undigested residues (produced by bad diet), which excrete vapors which pass into body. Mental disorders have natural causes and should be treated as disease. Observed and recorded case histories, emphasized diet & climate. Says body is an organism, and must be understood as a whole. Picks up 4 humors theory of Empedocles: Health results from harmony of the humors: blood, bile, black bile, phlegm. Refused to perform or assist in abortions. (See Philolaus 400, Diocles 350) |
430 GHH, OHG 420 Dur 2-244 400 MNDQ 4 400-391 TTS no date: B76 8-943, OCD 518, TAWH 311, TTPC |
c. 400 | HIPPOCRATES of Cos publishes Aphorisms . "Old people have fewer diseases than the young, but their diseases never leave them." "Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience treacherous, judgment difficult." "Sneezing will stop a hiccup." Disected and vivisected animals to study anatomy, assuming humans to be same. Observed and recorded case histories, emphasized diet & climate. Says body is an organism, and must be understood as a whole. |
400 MNDQ 22, 59, 534 no date: OCD 518, TAWH 311, TTPC |
c. 400 | HIPPOCRATES of Cos publishes On the Sacred Disease Goat brains resemble human brains in symetry. Describes veins of neck. says arteries contain air! - a misconception from examining dead animals. |
400 OCD 58 |
CONFUSION ALERT! NOT mathematician Hippocrates of CHIOS. f. 450
c.398 | Athenian CONON, on Cyprus 405-395, opens negotiations with Artaxerxes-III thru historian/physician Ctesias. | 398 CAH 6-114 |
398/7 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis Cyprus 411-374 under Persia has 1st open conflicts with other Cypriot kings. | 398/7 CAH 6-114 |
398/7 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis Cyprus 411-374 under Persia pays arrears of tribute which he had withheld, remains in principle loyal to Artaxerxes II. | 398/7 CAH 6-113 |
397 | Pharnabazos, satrap of Phrygia at Dascylium, goes to Cyprus, orders Evagoras to build 100 triremes, finds Athenian CONON, and hires him to command his new Persian fleet against Spartans until 393. | 397 CAH 6-314, DGRBM 3-240 |
c.397 | Pharnabazos has amassed 300 ships, including 80 Phoenician triremes, commanded by the Sidonian king plus Cypriot ships, but Pharnabazos has no experienced commander. | 397 wikCn |
c.397 | Pharnabazos, satrap of Phrygia hires Athenian CONON to command Persian fleet until 393. | 397 DGRBM 3-240 |
c.396 | CONON, Athenian admiral, hiding from Athenians on Cyprus from 405, appointed to command a Persian fleet to fight Spartans. | 397 CAH 6, DGRBM 1-825 396 CAH 6-314 395 MCAW 144 no date: wikCn |
c.396 | CONON, Athenian commander of Persian fleet, sails to Caria with a small portion of the fleet, where he is blockaded by Spartan admiral Pharax with 120 ships. Conon's Cypriot mercenaries mutiny. Pharax is driven off by a superior fleet under Pharnabazos and Tissaphernes. | 397 CAH 6-67, DGRBM 3-239 396 CAH 6-314, DGRBM 3-239 395 MCAW 144 no date: wikCn |
c.396 | Athenian CONON fleet commander for Persians, sails to Rhodes. | 396 wikCn |
c.396 | RHODES, under Sparta from 412, taken by CONON, Athenian admiral working for Persians, replaces its pro-Spartan oligarchy with a democracy. Rhodes becomes independent ally of Athens until 386. | 396 CAH 6-67, 98, wikCn 395 lvG |
c.395 | HYDRA Island off coast of Argolis, under Argos from 431, comes under Corinth until 379. | 395 rcAg |
c.395 | A grain fleet sent by Egypt for Sparta is captured by Conon, because its admiral did not know Conon captured Rhodes. | 395 lvG |
395/4 | Inexperienced Spartan commander PISANDER sent against CONON, Athenian admiral, working for Persians, in Rhodes. | 395/4 wikCn |
c.394 | EVAGORAS-I of Cyprus joins Conon prior to battle at Knidos. | 394 B76 III-1008, DGRBM 2-54 |
c.394 | CONON, Athenian admiral working for Persia, aided by Pharnabazos and Evagoras of Cyprus, destroys Spartan fleet under PISANDER off KNIDOS. Spartan sea supremacy from Aegospotami 405 ends. | 394 B76 III-88, 1008, 1-824, 8-362, Aug CAH 6-216, 314, CDCC 608, DGRBM 1-825, DGRG 1-639, Dur 2-458, GHH, GHAE 374, ISBE 1-843, LEWH 76, MCAW 144, OCD 186, 278, 297, OHG, RAH 300, anan, bk, lvG, wikCn |
c.394 | PISANDER, half-bro of Agesilaos-II, killed at Knidos. | 394 GHH |
c.394 | Athenian IPHICRATES gains fame at Knidos by boarding an enemy ship and hijacking its captain to his own trireme. | 394 DGRBM 2-616 |
c.394 | CURRENCY ALLIANCE between Samos, Ephesus, Knidos, Rhodes. | 394 OCD 949 |
c.394 | CONON and Pharnabazos operate in Aegean, expelling Spartan harmosts from towns, and promising freedom from foreign garrisons. | 394 mid CAH 6, DGRBM 1-825 |
c.394 | CHIOS Island drives out Spartan garrison. | 394 CDCC 188 |
c.393 | CONON, Athenian admiral, working for Persians, sails thru Cyclades to Melos. | 393 CAH 6-104 |
c.393 | CYCLADES islands repudiate Sparta and establish democracies until 378. | 393 LEWH 76 |
c.393 | KYTHERA island, under Sparta 404-310, under a Spartan garrison from ?, garrison is expelled by Conon, who replaces it with one under Athenian Nicophemos. | 393 CAH 6-104, DGRG 1-738 |
c.393 | LEMNOS island, under Sparta from 404, rejoins Athenian League until 323. | 393 LEWH 76, OCD 594 375 rcAg |
c.393 | IMBROS and SCYROS islands rejoin Athenian League. | 393 LEWH 76 |
c.393 | ATHENS makes alliances with CHIOS, RHODES, and COS, also with MYTILENE and KNIDOS, most of which end with the dissolution of the Athenian League 386. | 393 LEWH 76 |
c.393 | ISOCRATES sets up a school of rhetoric on Chios. | 393 MCAW 145 |
c.393 | DELOS in Cyclades, semi-Independent, under Spartan influence from 404, rejoins Athenian League until 338. Athenian control of the amphictyony at Delos is restored. | 393 LEWH 76 393/2 CAH 6-105 377 rcAg |
c.391 | Exiled Rhodian oligarchs appeal to Sparta for help. | 391 CAH 6-532 |
c.391 | Spartan admiral ECDICOS with 8 ships sails for Rhodes to oppose Athenian democrats, and restore exiled oligarchs. He arrives at Knidos, and finds enemy forces twice his own. He spends winter there and contrives to detach Samos from Athens. | fall 391 CAH 6-113, DGRBM 2-2, GHH |
c.391 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis Cyprus 411-374, under Persia has gained control of all Cypriot cities except Citium, Soli and Amathus, which appeal to Artaxerxes-III for help. | 391 CAH 6-113, 314, wikEv |
c.391 | HECATOMNOS of Caria is ordered by Artaxerxes-III to intervene against Evagoras in Cyprus. Evagoras / Persia war begins until 385. | 391 B76 III-1008, CAH 6-113, 314 |
391 late | HECATOMNOS of Caria lands troops in Cyprus unopposed by an unprepared Evagoras. | late 391 CAH 6-314 |
391/0 | 10 triremes under Philocrates sent by Athens to help Evagoras in Cyprus. Athens is officially allied with Persia at this time. | 391/0 CAH 6-315 390 DGRBM 3-302, GHH |
c.390 | TELEUTIAS, bro of Agesilaos-II, at Lechaeum on the Corinthian Gulf from ?, sent with 12 ships to supersede Ecdicos in command of Spartan fleet at Rhodes. Teleutias sails by way of Samos, picks up more ships, sails to Knidos, receives the fleet from Ecdicos, captures 10 Athenian triremes commanded by Philocrates, which had been on their way to Cyprus to help Evagoras of Salamis, eventually arriving at Rhodes with 27 ships. | 391 CAH 6-113, 315, wikTl 390 spring CAH 6, DGRBM 3-302, 993 |
c.390 | Athenian admiral THRASYBULOS sent with 40 ships to oppose Teleutias. | 390 DGRBM 3-993 |
c.390 | THERIMACHOS Spartan harmost at Methymna Lesbos, attacked by Athenian Thrasybulos. Therimachos is defeated and killed. | 390 DGRBM 3-993 |
c.390 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis Cyprus 411-374, persuades Hecatomnos of Caria to evacuate his forces and later to secretly assist Evagoras with money. At the same time Evagoras allies with Athens, and Egyptian king Achoris. | 390 CAH 6-315, Dur 2-458, LEWH 76, hCyp, wikCyp |
c.389 | Athenian admiral THRASYBULOS sails a force of triremes to levy tribute from cities around the Aegean and support Rhodes, where a democratic government opposes the Spartans. Thrasybulos arrives at Rhodes, finds his friends there don't need his help. He therefore sails north. | 390 DGRBM 3-993 389 wikθrs |
c.389 | THASOS island again allies with Athens until ?. | 389 OCD 1051 |
c.389 | Athenian IPHICRATES, with 8 ships, 1200 pelasts, sent to Hellespont, defeats ANAXIBIOS harmost of Abydos. | 389 CAH 6, DGRBM 2-617, GHH, brlI 388 CAH 6-458 |
c.389 | THRASYBULOS, Athenian admiral, moves south. On Lesbos he finds Mytilene favorable to Athens, but the other cities pro-Spartan; Methymna had even retained a Spartan garrison and harmost. Thrasybulos anchors off Eresos Lesbos, but loses 23 ships in a storm. Nevertheless he defeats the harmost and receives surrender of Eresos and Antissa. | spring 389 CAH 6-114 |
c.389 | LESBOS Island under Sparta from 405, most of it comes under Athens until 377. | 389 B76 VI-164, rcAg |
c.389 | Spartan naval commander HIERAX sails for Rhodes, but stations Gorgopas with 12 ships at Aegina to oppose the Athenians, who must mount a relief expedition to evacuate their fort. | 389 mid CAH 6-115, DGRBM 2-286 |
c.388 | CHABRIAS commands Athenian fleet sent to help Evagoras, king of Cyprus, against Persians. | 390 B76 8-362, MCAW 148 388 mid CAH 6, wikCha 387 bk |
c.388 | CHABRIAS enroute to Cyprus, ambushes and defeats Spartans under Gorgopas and Aeginetans on Aegina. | 388 B76 II-702, CAH 6-116, DGRBM 1-676 |
c.388 | Athenians, under Pamphilus establish a fortified post in Aegina island, and annoy the locals. | no date: DGRBM 3-993 |
c.388 | TELEUTIAS, bro of Agesilaos-II, sails to Aegina, chases away the Athenian ships, but Pamphilus still holds the fort. | 388 DGRBM 3-993 |
c.388 | ANTALCIDAS Spartan fleet commander, escorted by Gorgopas, vice-admiral to Hierax, to Ephesus. | 388 CAH 6-116, DGRBM 1-182, 2-95, 286, 1193, GHH |
c.388 | ANTALCIDAS Spartan fleet commander, operates on Ionian coast against Athenians Iphicrates and Chabrias. | 388 DGRBM |
c.388 | THRASYBULOS, Athenian admiral, hastens towards Rhodes with his surviving ships and others drawn from Mytilene and Chios, needs money. | 389/8 CAH 6-114 388 wikθrs |
c.388 | Spartan GORGOPAS, vice-admiral to Hierax, returning from Ephesus, encounters Athenian EUNOMOS with 13 triremes, who chases him to Aegina. Eunomos sails away after dark. Gorgopas follows him, captures 4 of his triremes off Zoster Attica. Eunomos escapes with the rest to Piraeus. | 388 DGRBM 2-95 |
c.388 | ANTALCIDAS Spartan fleet commander, helps Persians against Athens, especially in Hellespont. | 388 OCD 66, wikAnt 387 CAH 6 |
c.388 | THRASYBULOS, Athenian admiral, anchors off the coast of Aspendos Pamphilia to secure its surrender. Hoping to avoid war, the people of Aspendos collect money and pay Thrasybulos not to harm them. Thrasybulos takes the money, then has his men trample all the crops in the fields. | 389 wikAsp, wikθrs |
c.388 | Athenian admiral THRASYBULOS killed in his tent by Aspendians who raid the Athenian camp by night. | 390 DGRBM, GHH 389 OCD 349 388 LEWH 76, MCAW 151, OCD 1066, wikθrs |
c.388 | Spartan admiral ANAXIBIOS, harmost of Abydos, returning unguarded from a mission to win over Antandros in the Troad, ambushed by Athenian Iphicrates, sees no escape, orders most of his fleet to flee, remains with a small body of comerades and dies fighting. But Iphicrates cannot prevail against Antalcidas | 388 CAH 6-115, DGRBM 1-164, 2-617 |
c.387 | ANTALCIDAS Spartan admiral, relieves blockade of Nicolochos at Abydos by Athenian generals Iphicrates and Diotimos. Spartans gain mastery of Aegean. | 387 DGRBM 2-1193 |
c.387 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis Cyprus 411-374, rebels against Persians. | 387 ISBE 1-843 |
c.387 | THASOS Island, under Athens from 390s, rebels, independent until 377. | 387 rcAg |
c.387 | SAMOTHRACE Island, under Sparta from 405, independent until 377. | 387 rcAg |
c.387 | Dionysius-I of Syracuse intervenes in Corinthian war on Spartan side by sending his bro-in-law POLYXENOS with 20 ships from Sicily and Italy to help Antalcidas in the final campaign which blockades the Hellespont. | 387 CAH 6-149 385 GHH |
c.387 | 10 Athenian ships under Chabrias carry 800 peltasts to Cyprus. With this help, Evagoras subdues Cyprus except for Citium, Soli, and Amathus. | 387 CAH 6-315 |
c.386 | Athenian admiral Chabrias with 800 peltasts in Cyprus from 387, forced by King's Peace to withdraw. | 386 CAH 6-315 |
c.386 | CYPRUS, contested between locals & Persia 464-333, conceded by Greeks to Persia in KING'S PEACE negotiated by Spartan ANTALCIDAS and Persians. | 387/6 LEWH 76, OCD 63, 276, 306 |
c.386 | EVAGORAS king of Salamis 411-374 refuses to agree to King's Peace, which causes Athenians to stop supporting him. | 387 wikEv 386 B76 III-1008 |
c.386 | ATHENIAN possessions and alliances in Aegean voided by King's Peace. | 386 LEWH 76 |
c.386 | CHIOS island, under Sparta from 404, comes under Persia until 378. | 386 CAH 6-80 |
c.386 | SAMOS, loyal to Athens from 405, comes under Persia until 365. | 365 CAH 6-80 |
c.386 | RHODES, independent ally of Athens from 396, comes under Persia until 377. | 386 CAH 6-80 |
c.385 | Greek colony from PAROS island in Cyclades founded on PHAROS island off the Illyrian coast. | 385 B76 VII-768, wikDP |
CONFUSION ALERT! PHAROS island is in the Adriatic. PAROS island is in the Cyclades.
c.385 | TIRIBAZUS, satrap of Sardis, blockades Evagoras in Salamis, while ORONTES king of Armenia, commands land forces against Evagoras. | 386 DGRBM 3-1151 no date: DGRBM 3-58 |
c.385 | Sea battle between Persians and Evagoras. | 385 DGRBM, GHH |
c.385 | Persian admiral GAOS (Glos) begins attacking Evagoras until 382. | 386 DGRBM 2-230 385 CAH 6-347, DGRBM 1-371 |
c.385 | Egypt pharaoh ACHORIS 393-80 helps Evagoras-I of Cyprus with ships and money against Artaxerxes-II. | 385 DGRBM 1-14 |
c.385 | TIRIBAZUS, satrap of Sardis, offers peace terms to Evagoras requiring him to be vassal to Persia. Evagoras accepts, but demands the title of king. | 385 DGRBM 3-58 |
c.385 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis 411-374 goes to Tyre. | 385 CAH 6 |
c.385 | At Cyprus, ORONTES king of Armenia, writes to Artaxerxes-II accusing Tiribazus of treason. Artaxerxes-II writes back ordering arrest of Tiribazus, and command of the whole operation given to Orontes. Tiribazus' popularity with the troops causes desertions and near mutiny, so Orontes makes peace. Evagoras / Persia War from 391 ends. | 385 DGRBM 3-58, 1151, |
c.384 | Athens makes another alliance with CHIOS. Both parties claim it is not merely compatible with, but conducive to, maintenance of King's Peace. | 384 B76 8-364, CAH 6-163 |
c.382 | ALONNISOS island in Sporades independent from 404, comes under Athens until 356. | 382 rcAg |
c.382 | Persians TIRIBAZUS, satrap of Sardis and ORONTES, king of Armenia invade Cyprus with a force too big for Evagoras-I king of Salamis. | 385 wikEv 382 CAH 6 381 GHAE 375 |
c.381 | ACHORIS, pharaoh 399-80, sends 50 triremes with food, money, and other resources to help EVAGORAS of Salamis against Persians. | 381 CAH 6-348, Shaw 382 |
c.381 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis 411-374 cuts Persian supply lines, and the starving troops rebel. | 385 wikEv 381 GHAE 375 |
c.380 | EVAGORAS king of Salamis visits Egypt in person to persuade Achoris to prosecute the war against Persians more vigorously, but gets only more financial support. | 380 CAH 6-348 |
c.380 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis under Persia 411-374, is defeated at sea off Citium by Persians. He is besieged in Salamis by ORONTES until 376. His rebellion flops because of Greek disunity. CYPRUS, under EVAGORAS-I from 390, back under Persia, but contested with locals until 333. |
381 B76 III-1008, CDCC 249, MCAW 148, cpnt 380 B76 5-406, GHH, bk, CAH 6-313, hCyp, wikCyp |
c.380 | ISOCRATES on Chios, publishes Panegyrics after 10 years composition. Blasts Spartan imperialism. Preaches repudiation of King's Peace and a panhellenic crusade against Persia under leadership of Athens. | 381/0 CAH 6-164 380 B76 9-1031, Dur 2-458, OCD 554 |
c.379 | HYDRA Island off coast of Argolis, under Corinth from 395, comes back under Argos until 306. | 379 rcAg |
c.378 | ATHENS makes defensive alliances with BYZANTIUM and RHODES until 357, LESBOS until ?. | 378 B76 8-364, OCD 186 |
c.378 | CHIOS island, under Sparta from 386, enters 2nd Athenian League until 354. | 378 CAH 6-167, rcAg |
c.378 | AMORGOS Island, under Sparta from 404, comes under Athens until 338. | 378 rcAg |
c.378 | CYCLADES Islands, democracies from 393, enter 2nd Athenian League until 377 - OR in 378/7 they enter the league. | 378 OCD 304 |
c.378 | ANDROS Island in Cyclades, under Sparta from 404, independent until 375. | 378/7 OCD 64 |
c.378 | IOS Island in Cyclades under Sparta from 404, independent until 305. | 378 rcAg |
c.378 | PAROS Island in Cyclades, under Athens 479-338, joins 2nd Athenian League. | 378 B76 VII-768 |
c.378 | ASTYPALAEA Island in west Dodecanese, under Sparta from 411, comes under Athens until 338. | 378 rcAg |
c.377 | THASOS Island, semi-independent under Athens from 387, rebels, back under Athens until 340. | 377 rcAg 369 CDCC 874 |
c.377 | LESBOS Island under Athens from 389, joins 2nd Athenian League until 332. | 377 B76 VI-164, rcAg |
c.377 | PATMOS Island in Dodecanese, under Sparta from 404, joins League of Islands until 316. | 377 rcAg |
c.377 | SAMOTHRACE Island, independent from 387, joins 2nd Athenian League until 355. | 377 rcAg |
c.377 | RHODES, under Persia from 386, joins 2nd Athenian League until 357. | 377 rcAg |
c.376 | Spartans man 60 ships under POLLIS, which control waters around Aegina, Ceos and Andros islands, and during summer 376 interferes with grain imports from Black Sea to Athens. | 376 CAH 6-173, DGRBM 3-440 |
c.376 | CHABRIAS of Athens sails with 83 ships to besiege Naxos, defeats 60 Spartan ships under Pollis near NAXOS. Athenians lose 18 ships, Spartans 24, with 8 more captured. Chabrias wins Athenian sea supremacy plus control of the amphictyony of Delos, besieges Naxos. This is the 1st clear Athenian victory since the Peloponnesian War. | 376 Sep CAH 6-173, CDCC 610, Sep DGRBM 1-676, GHH, LEWH 77, MCAW 152-3, OCD 140, 225, OHG 170, bk |
c.376 | EVAGORAS-I king of Salamis 411-374, besieged in Salamis by ORONTES from 380, is granted an honorable peace, allowed to remain king of Salamis as vassal of Persia, to which he pays annual tribute. | 380 CAH 6 376 DGRBM 1-371, wikEv |
c.375 | ANDROS Island in Cyclades, independent from 378, rejoins 2nd Athenian League, under Athens until 338. | 375 rcAg |
c.375 | Athenian CHABRIAS operates at sea near Thrace, where he saves Abdera from attack by the Triballi, and garrisons Abdera, then sails to Hellespont. | 375 CAH 6-174 |
c.375 | Physician, HIPPOCRATES of Cos, dies. Greek medicine soon becomes entrenched in speculation, seeing little progress. | 375 wikPrx |
c.375 | Athenian Timotheos sent out with 60 ships, but low funds, to circle the Peloponnese. | 375 CAH 6-174 |
c.375 | Spartan Nicolochos, with fewer ships, sent to counter Timotheos. | 375 DGRBM 2-1193 |
c.375 | Spartan Nicolochos defeated by Timotheos near Alyzia on Acarnanian coast. | 375 DGRBM 2-1193 |
c.375 | COS Island, under Sparta from 404, joins 2nd Athenian League until 354. | 375 rcAg |
c.374 | TIMOTHEOS, son of Conon, in Adriatic recalled to Athens. | 374 CDCC 891, MCAW 152, OCD 1077 |
c.374 | Timotheos with 60 ships on his way home, drops some democratic Zakynthian exiles, who had fought with him at Alyzia, on Zakynthos and establishes them in a stronghold. This is a violation of the peace with Sparta. | 374 CDCC 891, MCAW 152, OCD 1077 no date CAH 6-176 |
c.374 | Spartan expedition, 23 ships under Aristocrates, to help ZAKYNTHOS. | 375/4 CAH 6-177 |
c.374 | EVAGORAS-I dies. King of Salamis Cyprus from 411, under Persia from 380, falls victim to a court scandal and is murdered by eunuch Thrasydaeos as revenge for a private injury. Eldest son Pyntagoras also murdered. 2nd son NICOCLES succeeds without opposition and continues Hellenizing policy, until 368. | 374 B76 III-1008, 5-406, DGRBM 2-55, 3-1109, Dur 2-726, GHH, MCAW 153, cpnt, hCyp, wikAGhC, wikCyp, wikEv, wikHC, wikT 374/3 CAH 6-316, 7.1-75 373 IDB 1-753 |
c.373 | Athenian TIMOTHEOS is given 60 ships to help Corcyra against Spartans, but not enough funds to man them. He sails among the Cyclades in search of crews and may even have ranged as far as Thrace. He fritters away the sailing season, and is recalled, to be charged with treason by Callistratos and Iphicrates. | 373 mid CAH 6-177, DGRBM 3-909, 1145, OCD 1077 |
c.373 | ZAKYNTHOS Island west of Greece, under oligarchy from 404, back under democracy until 217. | 373 rcSB3 |
373/2 | IPHICRATES, Athenian admiral, sails to Acarnania, helps friendly cities, sails to Cephalonia island with 90 ships and extracts money. | 372 CAH 6-179 |
c.372 | IPHICRATES, Athenian admiral prepares for a campaign against Laconia itself. Asks Athens to send him as colleagues Chabrias, and Callistratos. | 372/1 CAH 6-179 |
c.372 | MILKYATON, son of Baalram, becomes king of Citium Cyprus until 361. | 372 MWΦ 105 |
c.368 | NICOCLES ends. King of Salamis Cyprus from 374. Pro-Persian EVAGORAS-II succeeds until 351. | 368 wikAGhC, wikCyp 360 CAH 6-329 |
c.366 | COS Island: After internal strife, Athenians merge the townships into one capital city on the northeast coast. | 366 OCD 293 |
c.366 | SAMOS, under Persia 386-365, is besieged by Athenian Timotheus until 365. | 366 B76 IX-1018, CAH 6-684 |
c.365 | SAMOS, under Persia from 386 besieged 10 months by Athenian Timotheus, captured, inhabitants expelled until 324 by Athenians, who send in a cleruchy of 2,000. Under Athens until 322. | 365 B76 IX-1018, CDCC 780, LEWH 77, OCD 949, 969, OHG 172, bk 361 OCD 252 352 DGRBM 1-1092 |
c.364 | EPAMINONDAS of Thebes, ruler of Boeotia, challenges Athenian naval supremacy, leads a fleet as far as Byzantium without serious opposition. Gets several cities in 2nd Athenian League to rebel. Fleet returns home. | 364 CAH 6-201-2, OCD 386, 969 364/3 B76 6-903 |
c.364 | Athenian Timotheus rejects an appeal from the nobles of Heraclea on the Black Sea to aid them against their own people. | 364 DGRBM 3-1146 |
c.364 | Athenian Timotheus relieves Cyzicus from a siege. | 364 DGRBM 3-1146 |
c.363/2 | CEOS and NAXOS, both in Cyclades, come under Athenian jurisdiction. | 363/2 LEWH 77 |
c.362/1 | Athenians use naval convoys to protect merchant ships in 362 and 61. | 362/1 CAH 6-560 |
c.361 | Athenian Leosthenes commands a fleet in the Cyclades. He is surprised by Alexander of Pherae, and loses 5 triremes and 600 men. Athenians condemn him to death. | 361 DGRBM 2-760, wikL |
c.361 | MILKYATON, Phoenician king of Citium Cyprus from 372, ends. PUMAYYATON succeeds as king of Citium and Idalion until 312. | 361 MWΦ 105 |
c.357 | 2nd Athenian League comes into conflict with Mausolus of Caria, tightens up on allies. Result - SOCIAL WAR (aka War of the Allies) begins until 355. RHODES, COS, and CHIOS, supported by BYZANTIUM and Mausolus, rebel against Athens. | 357 B76 8-366, CDCC 829, 938, DGRBM, Dur 2-470, GHH, LEWH 77, OCD 114, 141, 186, 226, 230, 657, 801, 997, OHG, bk, lvG 356 DGRG 1-658 |
c.357 | RHODES, in 2nd Athenian League from 377 goes independent until 353. | 357 bk, rcAg |
c.357 | CHIOS besieged by Athenians Chares and Chabrias. | 357 DGRBM, DGRG 1-611, GHH |
357/6 | Athenian fleet commander CHABRIAS at Chios Island, sails into the harbor ahead of his fleet, and is killed in battle. | 357 B76 II-702, DGRBM 1-676, GHH, bk 357/6 LEWH 77, OCD 225 356 OCD 997 |
c.356 | 120 Athenian ships under IPHICRATES and son Menesthios, TIMOTHEOS, and CHARES attack 100 Chian galleys in straits between Chios and Anatolia near Embata. Stormy weather persuades Iphicrates and Timotheos, to back out. Chares, leaves with ⅓ of his fleet, attacks Chians and is defeated. | 356 B76 8-366, CDCC 829, DGRBM 3-1147, OCD 997, 1007, wikEmb 355 OCD 551 |
c.356 | TIMOTHEOS fails to reestablish Athenian control of Chios. | 355 MCAW 158 |
c.356 | ALONNISOS island in Sporades, under Athens from 382, comes under pirates until 350. | 356 rcAg |
c.355 | SAMOTHRACE Island, in 2nd Athenian League from 377, independent until 346. | 355 rcAg |
c.355 | SOCIAL WAR (aka War of the Allies) from 357 ends. Threat of Persian intervention causes negotiations. Athens, financially exhausted, recognizes independence of many allies, including Chios, Cos, Rhodes, and Byzantium which become autonomous until ?. | 355 CDCC 829, 938, Dur 2-470, LEWH 77, OCD 114, 141, 226, 230, 997, OHG, bk |
c.354 | CHIOS Island, in 2nd Athenian League from 378, is acknowledged independent until 333. | 354 CDCC 188, rcAg |
c.354 | COS Island, in 2nd Athenian League from 375, is acknowledged independent until 336. | 354 ISBE 1-785 |
c.353 | EUDEMUS, political exile from Cyprus and friend of Aristotle, after whom Aristotle's Eudemus, or On the Soul is named, dies. | 354/3 OCD 115 353 wikEdm |
c.353 | RHODES, independent from 357, annexed by Mausolus, satrap of Caria, under Caria until 334. | 353 LEWH 77 |
c.352 | SAMOS, under Athens 365-322, receives 2,000 Athenian colonists. Cydias the orator dissuades them from equally distributing the land. | 352 GHH |
c.351 | EVAGORAS-II deposed. King of Salamis Cyprus from 368, deposed by Pyntagoras. PYNTAGORAS succeeds until 332. Evagoras' son of the same name flees to Persians. | 351 wikAGhC, wikCyp |
c.351 | CYPRUS, contested between locals & Persia 464-333: Nine Cypriot kings rebel until 344. | 351 DGRBM 2-55, MCAW 160, OCD 306 350 hCyp, wikCyp, wikHC |
c.351 | Athenian Phocion, Evagoras Jr., and Hydrytes of Caria help Persians subdue Cyprus until 349. Salamis is besieged by Persians and Evagoras Jr. until 343. | 351 DGRBM 2-55, 3-339, 432, wikΦoc |
c.350 | SALAMIS Island in Saronik Gulf, under Athens from 570, independent until 318. | 350 rcAg |
c.350 | ALONNISOS island in Sporades, under pirates from 356, comes under Macedonia until 168. | 350 rcAg |
c.350 | Mentor of Rhodes leads 4,000 Greeks to help Sidon rebel against Artaxerxes-III. | 351 GHH |
c.350 | RHODES, annexed to Caria 353-34, attacked by democratic exiles supported by Athens. This gives Artemisia-II, satrap of Caria a pretext to subdue Rhodes until 334 and nearby islands. | 350 OCD 127 |
c.350 | PASICYPROS king of Tamasos Cyprus from ?, bankrupt, sells his city-state to PUMAYYATON king of Citium and Idalion. Pasicyprus then retires to live as a private citizen at Amathus. | 350 CAH 6-327 |
c.348 | HYDRYTES (aka Idrieus) satrap of Caria 350-43, on orders of Artaxerxes, finishes and equips 40 triremes, assembles 8,000 mercenaries, and sends them to take Cyprus. | no date: DGRBM 2-563 |
c.347 | PRIVATEERS sent by Philip-II of Macedonia to attack Athenian colonies on Aegean islands. | 347 wikPΦ |
c.346 | SAMOTHRACE Island, independent from 355, comes under Macedonia until 306. | 346 rcAg |
c.345 | DELOS, though not a member, appeals to the Amphictyonic Council against Athenian control over their temple of Apollo. | early 345 CAH 6-763 |
c.345 | ARISTOTLE, at Assos in Mysia from 347, goes to Mytilene Lesbos until 344, to continue research and teaching, probably in a philosophical community including Theophrastos, a native of Lesbos until 344. Teaches, studies biology. | 345 EoΦ 1-151, OCD 114 344 CAH 6-621, 770, KPHP 75, TTPC |
c.344 | ARISTOTLE at Mytilene Lesbos from 345, returns to Athens until 343/2. | 344 KPHP 75 |
c.344 | CYPRUS, contested between locals & Persia 464-333: Nine Cypriot kings rebelling from 351 are crushed by Artaxerxes-III leaving only Salamis, which is besieged until 343. | 344 CAH 6-91, GHAE 380, hCyp, wikCyp, wikHC |
c.343 | PYNTAGORAS, king of Salamis, besieged by Persians from 344 falls. Pyntagoras somehow reconciles with Artaxerxes-III, and is left in command until 332. Evagoras Jr., who expected the throne, is compensated with a dominion in inner Anatolia. | 343 GHAE 380 no date: DGRBM 2-55 |
c.343 | Possession of HALONNESOS (Scopelos) island in Aegean near Magnesia Thessaly is disputed by Philip-II and Athens. | 343 DGRG 1-1028 |
c.340 | PHILIP-II king of Macedonia 356-36, captures grain fleet bound for Athens. | 340 fall CAH 6 |
c.340 | THASOS island in 2nd Athenian League from 377, taken by Philip-II, under Macedonia until 311, and Macedonians until 275. | 340 CDCC 874, OCD 1051, rcAg |
c.340 | Athenian Chares drives Macedonian fleet into Black Sea. | 340 CAH 6 |
c.340 | Athenian Phocion arrives at Hellespont. | 340 CAH 6 |
c.340 | ARTERIES and VEINS distinguished by Praxagoras of Cos. | 340 TToH |
c.338 | ANDROS island in Cyclades under Athens from 375, comes under Macedonians and remains there mostly until 200. | 338 OCD 64 |
XX in 2nd Athenian League 375-200 | rcAg |
c.338 | AMORGOS Island, under Athens from 378, comes under Macedonia until 168. | 338 rcAg |
c.338 | PAROS Island in Cyclades, under Athens from 479, comes under Macedonia until 308. | 338 rcAg |
c.338 | DELOS Island in Cyclades, under Athens from 393, comes under Macedonia until 301. | 338 rcAg |
c.338 | ANTIPATROS Island in Cyclades, under Athens from 479, comes under Macedonia until 308. | 338 rcAg |
c.338 | NAXOS Island in Cyclades, under Athens from 479, comes under Macedonia until 301. | 338 rcAg |
c.338 | ASTYPALAEA Island in west Dodecanese, under Athens from 378, comes under Macedonia until 308. | 338 rcAg |
c.336 | COS Island, independent from 354, comes under Macedonia until 323. | 336 rcAg |
c.335 | Athenian MENESTHEOS, son of Iphicrates, sent with 100 galleys to oppose Macedonians which had intercepted Athenian ships coming from the Black Sea. | 335 DGRBM 2-1040 |
c.334 | IKARIA Island at north end of Dodecanese, under Sparta from 404, comes under Macedonia until 306. | 334 rcAg |
c.334 | RHODES under Caria from 353, comes under Macedonia until 323. | 334 rcAg |
c.334 | 400 Phoenician warships are mobilized by Persians in the Levant for action in the Aegean. | 334 CAH 6-797 |
c.334 | Memnon of Rhodes, mercenary under Persia, put in command of Phoenician fleet. Neph Pharnabazos joins him. | 334 lvLx |
c.334 | ORONTOBATES and MEMNON send their money to Cos island, entrench themselves in Halicarnassus. Despairing of success, they burn the city and escape to Cos. | 334 DGRBM 3-58 |
c.333 | CYPRUS, under Persia from 380, contested between locals and Persia from 464, declares for ALEX-III, comes under Macedonia until 323 and under Hellenics until 58. | 333 B76 5-406, OCD 306 |
c.333 | STASANOR of Soli Cyprus, enters the service of ALEX-III. | 333 DGRBM 3-899 |
c.333 | Phoenician fleet, under Persia, commanded by Memnon of Rhodes, begins offensive in Aegean until 332, threatens to bring the war to Thrace and Macedonia. | 333 OCD 227, lvLx |
c.333 | MYTILENE Lesbos besieged by MEMNON of Rhodes 333, now falls to Pharnabazos and Autophradates. The Persian fleet disperses. | 333 CAH 6-804, DGRBM 1-119, 448, OCD 719, wikAnt |
c.333 | Athenian CHARES holds a command working for Persians in Mytilene Lesbos until 332 during Persian offensive in the Aegean. | 333 DGRBM 1-683, OCD 227 |
c.333 | MEMNON of Rhodes dies. Commander of Darius' Greek mercenaries in Anatolia from 334, dies of illness at Mytilene Lesbos. His Greek mercenaries are recalled to Syria by Darius-III. Pharnabazos and Autophradates succeed as fleet commanders, and continue the siege. Pharnabazos succeeds as Persian commander of west. | 333 DGRBM 1-119, 448, 2-1029, 3-241, LEWH 79, OCD 669, lvA, lvLx no date; hmLx |
c.333 | TENEDOS island, off the Troad, taken by Pharnabazos. | 333 CAH 6-804 |
333 Nov 5 | ISSUS |
c.333 | Pharnabazos, at Siphnos Island in Cyclades negotiating with Spartan king Agis-III, learns of defeat of Darius at Issus, continues fighting defensively in Anatolia and Aegean until 332. | 333 lvLx |
c.333 | AGIS-III Eurypontid king of Sparta 338-31, at Siphnos Island in Cyclades, learns of Issus, sends word to his bro Agesilaos to meet him in Crete, so that together they might secure it for Sparta. | 333 DGRBM 1-72 |
c.333 | Persians are able to sail at will in the Cyclades. Datames is surprised off Siphnos and loses 8 triremes, but that is the only recorded setback. | late 333 CAH 6-804 |
c.333 | ORONTOBATES, former satrap of Caria, on Cos island from 334, defeated by Ptolemaeus son of Philip and Asander governor of Lydia. | 333 DGRBM 3-58 |
c.333 | AMPHOTEROS, bro of Craterus, appointed fleet commander of Hellespont by Alex-III. | 333 DGRBM 1-153 |
c.333 | AGIS-III Eurypontid king of Sparta 338-31, leading mercenaries working for Persia, gathers 8,000 fugitives of Issus and goes to Crete, sends word to his bro Agesilaos to meet him in Crete, so that together they might secure it for Sparta | 333 DGRBM 1-72, OCD 27 |
c.333 | Historian THEOPOMPOS of Chios, exiled from ?, is able to return to Chios thru influence of Alex-III until 323. He becomes a leader of the aristocratic party. | 333 lvG, wikθp |
c.333 | After Issus, 8,000 Greek mercenaries who had fought for Darius sail from Tripolis to Cyprus. They divide, some attack Egypt, others join Spartan operations in Crete. | 333 CAH 6-808 |
c.333 | CHIOS island, independent from 354, comes under Macedonians until 168. | 333 rcAg 332 DGRBM 1-311 |
333/2 | AGIS-III Eurypontid king of Sparta 338-31, working for Pharnabazos with mercenaries, invades Crete. This forces Alex-III to send ships commanded by Amphoterus with reinforcements to the Aegean. | winter 333/2 lvG |
c.332 | Persian fleet in the Aegean disintegrates. The new Macedonian fleet under Hegelochos and Amphoteros quickly occupies the Aegean coast and islands from Tenedos to Cos. | 333 CAH 6-808 |
c.332 | MYTILENE Lesbos, under Athenian CHARES working for Persians from 333, retaken by Macedonian fleet. | 332 DGRBM 1-683 no date: OCD 719 |
c.332 | LESBOS Island, in 2nd Athenian League from 377, comes under Macedonia until 168. | 332 rcAg |
c.332 | SCYROS Island in Sporades, under Athens from 468, comes under Macedonia until 196. | 332 rcAg |
c.332 | While Alex-III begieges Tyre, 80 Phoenician captains and 120 Cypriot captains decide to desert Pharnabazos and go home. | 332 lvLx |
c.332 | Remnant of Persian navy is defeated off Chios by Athenians.  Pharnabazos is captured, but escapes to Cos island. | 332 lvLx |
c.332 | ARISTONICOS tyrant of Methymnae Lesbos, arrives with privateer ships at Chios harbor, now under Macedonians, thinking it was still under Persians. Captured and delivered to Methymnaeans, who torture and execute him. | 332 DGRBM 1-311 |
c.332 | PYNTAGORAS king of Salamis, and other princes of Cyprus visit Alex-III to offer submission. They help Alex-III besiege Tyre. | 332 DGRBM 3-432 |
c.332 | HEPHAESTION commands fleet off coast of Phoenicia, at a time and place of little risk. | 332 DGRBM 2-382 |
c.332 | PYNTAGORAS king of Salamis helping Alex-III besiege Tyre with his fleet, gets his quinquereme sunk, but escapes. He is rewarded by Alex-III with gifts and extension of territory. | 332 DGRBM 3-432 |
c.332 | PYNTAGORAS ends. King of Salamis Cyprus from 351. | 332 wikAGhC, wikCyp |
c.332 | Phalanx commander Amyntas is sent with 10 triremes from Gaza to Macedon to recruit troop replacements. | late 332 CAH 6-809 |
c.332 | Macedonian fleet disbanded by Alex-III, who says he will conquer Medo-Persia by land. | 333 B76 1-469 |
c.331 | AMPHOTEROS, fleet commander of Hellespont 333-? leads 100 Cypriot and Phoenician ships against Sparta. | mid 331 CAH 6-332, DGRBM 1-153 |
c.331 | NICOCREON, king of Salamis Cyprus, goes to Tyre as required by Alex-III to pay homage. | 331 DGRBM 2-1191 |
c.331 | PASICRATES, prince of Soli Cyprus, goes to Tyre as required by Alex-III to pay homage. | 331 DGRBM 3-131 |
c.330 | Philosopher METHODOROS of Chios, disciple of Democritos, flourishes. | mid 330 DGRBM 2-1070 |
c.325 | Cypriot and Phoenician fleets are composed mostly of quinqueremes. Athenian navy has only 2 quinqueremes and 43 quadriremes along with its main fleet of 360 triremes. Athenian progress is held back by tradition or finances (or even crew quality). Sea fighting continues to be ramming after collective maneuvers designed to break the enemy's line or encircle it. | 325 CAH 6-684, TTT |
c.324 | SAMOS, under Athenian cleruchy 365-22, the, inhabitants who were expelled in 365 are allowed to return. | 324 DGRBM 1-1092 |
c.324 | INSURANCE originated on Rhodes by Antimenes - against loss from runaway slaves. | 324 Dur 2-562, MCAW 171 |
c.324 | THEOPOMPOS of Chios writes Philippica (not extant) Blames the woes of Greece on Athens, Sparta, & Thebes. | 336 MCAW 169 324 lvG |
c.323 | COS Island, under Macedonia from 336, comes under Egypt until 30. | 323 rcAg |
c.323 | CYPRUS, under Macedonia from 333, independent until 321. | 323 ISBE 1-843 |
c.323 | HARPALUS, cripple, traitorous treasurer of Alex-III, killed in Crete by Spartan Thibron, one of his officers. | 324 DGRBM 3-1103, wikθb 323 OCD 488, alxtl |
c.323 | LEMNOS Island in 2nd Athenian League from 393, comes under Macedonia until 307. | 323 rcAg |
c.323 | THIBRON, takes Harpalus's treasure, fleet, and army, and, ostensibly championing some Cyrenaean exiles, sails to Cyrene to subjugate it. | 324 DGRBM 3-1103, wikθb |
c.323 | Historian THEOPOMPOS on Chios from 333, again forced to flee because of pro-Macedonian sympathies, goes to Egypt until death (date unknown). | 323 lvG, wikθp 305 DGRBM 3-1093 |
c.323 | RHODES under Macedonia from 334, independent republic until 43. | 323 rcAg |
c.323 | AESCHINES, in Ionia from 330, moves to Rhodes until death 315. Introduces study of rhetoric at Rhodes. | 324 DGRBM 1-28 |
c.323 | EPICURUS of Samos age 18, goes to Athens for the 2 years military training necessary for Athenian citizenship. | 323 B76 6-914, wikEpc |
c.322 | CLEITUS, Macedonian Admiral loyal to Antipater, defeats Athenian admiral, Eetion, in 2 battles off the Echinades islands, closes Dardanelles to Greek ships. | 323 DGRBM 1-785 322 OCD 249 |
c.322 | Athenian fleet, 170 galleys, wiped out by 240 Macedonian ships under Cleitus at AMORGOS island. | 322 LEWH 80, OCD 724, TTT, atl4, hwD, wikLmWr |
c.322 | SAMOS Island, under Athens from 365, comes under Macedonia until 277. | 322 CDCC 780, OCD 252, rcAg |
c.322 | Parents of EPICURUS forced to leave Samos as poor refugees, go to Colophon Lydia. | 322 IDB 2-122 |
c.322 | EUDEMOS of Rhodes, in Athens with Aristotle from 335, returns to Rhodes. Founds his own philosophical school, continues research, and editing Aristotle's work. | 322 wikER |
c.321 | ATTALUS, bro-in-law and fleet commander of Perdiccas, condemned to death by Treaty of Triparadisus, sails from Tyre to Rhodes, attacks, and is defeated. Goes to Caria. | 321 DGRBM 1-409, atl4 |
c.321 | 4 Cypriot kings (Nicocreon of Salamis, Nicocles of Paphos, Pasicrates of Soli, and Androcles of Amathus) side with Ptolemy-I Soter against Perdiccas and then against Antigonus-I. | 321 CAH 6-333, hCyp, wikHC |
c.321 | CYPRUS, independent from 323, comes under ANTIGONUS-I until 312, by treaty of Triparadisus. | no date: OCD 306 |
c.320 | ARADOS island off north coast of Phoenicia, under Gerostratos from ?, comes under the family of the Lagidae. | 320 DGRG 1-185 |
c.318 | CLEITUS dies. Admiral under Polyperchon from 319, defeats Cassander's man NICANOR of Stagira near Byzantium, then allows his troops to disembark and encamp on land. Cleitus is surprised by fleet of Antigonus and Nicanor, and loses all ships except his own. Cleitus flees to Thrace, where he is killed by soldiers of Lysimachus. | 318 OCD 249, 732, atl4, hwD, lvD, lvG, wikClt |
c.318 | SALAMIS Island in Saronikos Gulf, independent from 350, comes under Macedonia until 229. | 318 rcAg |
c.318 | SOSIGENES, officer under Eumenes, is commander of Eumenes' Phoenician fleet stationed at Rhosus Syria. | 318 DGRBM 3-882 |
c.318 | Antigonus' fleet, after victories in Hellespont, goes to Rhosus Syria. Eumenes' Phoenician fleet surrenders to Antigonus' fleet while commander Sosigenes is on shore, and can do nothing about it. | 318 DGRBM 3-882, atl4 |
c.318 | Philosopher ANAXARCHUS of Abdera, sailing, forced by circumstances to Cyprus. Tyrant Nicocreon, an old enemy, tortures him to death. | 318 atl4 |
c.317 | DEMETRIUS, son of Antigonus-I, fights EUMENES until 316. | 317 OCD 325 |
c.316 | Flood at Rhodes. | 316 atl4 |
c.316 | PATMOS Island in Dodecanese, in League of Islands from 377, comes under Macedonia until 305. | 316 rcAg |
c.315 | AESCHINES, former Athenian statesman, rhetoric teacher in Rhodes 323-15, dies on Samos. | 322 CDCC 30, OCD 16 315 CAH 7.1, atl4, lvG 314 DGRBM, Dur 2-710, GHH |
c.315 | AGESILAOS, envoy of Antigonus-I, goes to Cyprus, makes alliances with Pumiathon of Citium, Praxippos of Lapethos, Stasioecos-II of Marium, and Themison of Cerynia, but Ptolemy's allies stand firm. | 315 CAH 6-334 |
c.315 | MENELAOS, bro of Ptolemy-I sent with 100 ships under Polycleitos and 10,000 men to Cyprus. | 315 CAH 6-334, DGRBM 2-1039, DGRBM 3-454 |
c.315 | POLYCLEITOS sent by Menelaos with 50 ships from Cyprus to support partisans of Ptolemy-I and Cassander in Peloponnese. Polycleitos arrives, finds no longer a need for his services, sails to Cilicia. | 315 CAH 6-334, DGRBM 2-1039, DGRBM 3-454 |
c.315 | NICOCREON, king of Salamis Cyprus, cooperates with Menelaos against Antigonus-I. | 315 DGRBM 2-1191 |
c.315 | Athenian MYRMIDON with 10,000 troops helps Menelaos at Cyprus. | 315 DGRBM 2-1129 |
c.315 | CITIUM Cyprus besieged by Ptolemaic troops. | 315 wikCyp |
c.315 | STASIOECUS prince of Marion Cyprus, allies with Ptolemaic troops until 313. | no date: DGRBM 3-900 |
c.315 | SELEUCUS, commands Ptolemaic fleet raiding coast of Ionia. | 315 BHS 1-52 |
c.315 | SELEUCUS, commanding Ptolemaic fleet in the Aegean from ?, sails to Cyprus, persuaded to side with Menelaos. | 315 CAH 6-334 |
c.315 | THEMISON of Samos, naval officer under Antigonus-I, joins Antigonus-I in Phoenicia, with 40 ships from the Hellespont. | 315 DGRBM 3-1023 |
c.315 | DEMETRIUS, son of Antigonus-I, has Phoenician shipyards build warships with 6 or even 7 banks of rowers. | 315 TTT |
c.315 | Antigonus-I Monophthalmus controls 240 warships. | 315 TAG 82 |
c.314 | LEMNOS Island, under Macedonia 323-07, besieged by ???, relieved by Antigonus-I Monophthalamus. | 314 BHS 1-112 |
c.314 | Medios, tyrant of Larissa until 309, commands fleet for Antigonus-I. He defeats the Pydnaeans, who are working for Cassander, and takes 36 ships. | 314 DGRBM 2-1004 |
c.314 | Aristoteles, admiral under Cassander, at Lemnos, driven away by Dioscurides. | 314 Dur 2-710, atl4 |
c.314 | CYCLADES, under Macedonia from ?, under Antigonus-I from ?, occupied by PTOLEMY-I. Under Egypt until 258. | 314 LEWH 90 |
c.313 | STASIOECUS prince of Marion Cyprus, allied with Ptolemy-I from 315 drops alliance, negotiates with Antigonus-I, as do other princes of Cyprus. | 313 DGRBM 3-900 |
c.313 | Antigonus-I Monophthalmus controls 250 warships. | 313 TAG 82 |
c.312 | Ptolemy-I enters Cyprus with more military forces, captures and kills the king of Citium, arrests pro-Antigonid princes of Marion and Lapithos-Cerynia, destroys the city of Marion. Soon king Nikoklis is distrusted, besieged and forced to suicide, his entire family executed. Ptolemy makes NICOCREON of Salamis king of Cyprus until 311. | 313 MCAW 174, atl4 312 CAH 6-334, wikCyp no date: DGRBM 3-900 |
c.312 | PUMAYYATON, Phoenician king of Citium, Idalion, and Tamasos, Cyprus from 361, executed by Ptolemy-I. | 312 CAH 6-334, MWΦ 105 |
c.312 | CYPRUS, under Antigonus-I from 321, comes under Ptolemy-I until 306. | 313 GHH, atl4 312 B76 8-377 309 lvD no date OCD 306 |
c.311 | THASOS island under Macedonia from 340, comes under Antigonus until 301. | 311 rcAg |
c.311 | NICOCREON dies. Last king of Salamis Cyprus from 312, forced to suicide with all his family by Ptolemy-I, who becomes master of Cyprus. | 311 wikCyp 310 cpnt |
c. 311 | 3rd War of the Diadochi from 315 ends with attempted settlement: Cassander, Lysimachus, & Ptolemy-I agree on status quo with ANTIGONUS-I (now fully controling Anatolia), except that Seleucus is not mentioned. This allows Antigonus-I to continue fighting SELEUCUS over Syria and Mesopotamia, CASSANDER to secure Macedonia until 306, and PTOLEMY-I to continue expanding in the Aegean. Greek towns are recognized by all parties as free and autonomous (but Cassander keeps several garrisons in place). Boy king Alexander, son of Alex-III & Roxane, would rule the entire empire when he comes of age, in 305 (fat chance). Uneasy peace lasts until 307. | 311 B76 8-377, 16-503, LEWH 90, MCAW 174, OHG, anan, hifi, hwD, lvD, lvG |
c.311 | EPICURUS of Samos, at Colophon Lydia from 322, moves to Mytilene Lesbos until 309, sets up a school, causes strife, goes to Lampsacus in the Troad. | 311 CHHΦ 311-10 wikEpc 310 IDB 2-122 309 OCD 390, atl4 |
c.310 | NICOCLES, king of Paphos Cyprus enters secret negotiations with Antigonus-I. | 310 DGRBM 2-1190 |
c.310 | Musician STRATONICUS satyrizes sons of Nicocles, king of Paphos Cyprus, and is executed by Nicocles. | 310 atl4 |
c.310 | NICOCLES dies. King of Paphos Cyprus forced to suicide by Ptolemy-I. | 310 atl4 |
c.310 | PTOLEMY-I sails from Egypt to Cyprus. | 310 implied |
c.310 | PTOLEMY-I satrap of Egypt 337-31 puts bro MENELAOS in charge of Cyprus. | 310 B76 8-378, CAH 7.1 |
c.310 | Λ KYTHERA Island (south of Peloponnese), under Sparta from 404, comes under Egypt until 277. | 310 rcAg |
c.310 | ANTIKYTHERA Island (between Kythera and Crete), comes under Egypt until 277. | 310 rcAg |
c.310 | CRETE comes under Egypt until 277. | 310 rcAg, rcCrt |
c.309 | After his stay on Cyprus, Ptolemy-I sails with a large fleet northwest to the coast of Ionia posing as liberator. He gains influence in Pamphylia, Lycia, and Caria, and especially on Cos Island. | 309 BHS 1-113, DGRBM 3-583, ISBE 3-1048, atl4, lvG, lytrk |
c.309 | EPICURUS in Mytilene Lesbos from 311, causes strife, moves to Lampsacus in the Troad. | 309 OCD 390 no date: IDB 2-122, wikEpc |
c.309 | Nephew of Antigonus, PTOLEMAUS dies. He sails from Chalcis to Cos island to join Ptolemy-I Soter. Well received at first, but soon offends Pt-I by his intrigues and ambitions, and is imprisoned and forced to suicide by poison. | 309 DGRBM 3-565, atl4, wikPnA no date: DGRBM 3-565 |
c.308 | Ptolemy-I sails from Anatolia to Aegean islands. | 308 spring DGRBM 3-583 |
c.308 | COS island taken by Ptolemy-I, under Ptolemies until ?. | 309/8 lvD, lvG 308 BHS 1-113 |
c.308 | Ptolemy-I gains a bridgehead on Cos, then sails to Delos. | 309/8 lvD, lvG |
c.308 | THERA island, southernmost of Cyclades taken by Ptolemy-I, under Ptolemies and member of Cycladic League until 146. | 308 B76 IX-943 307 rcAg |
c.308 | ASTYPALAEA Island in west Dodecanese, under Macedonia from 338, comes under Egypt until 105. | 308 rcAg |
c.308 | Ptolemy at Delos, reorganizes the Nesiotic League (confederacy of Aegean islands), which would support the ruler of Egypt. | 308 lvD, lvG |
c.308 | PAROS Island in Cyclades, under Macedonia from 338, comes under Egypt until 197. | 308 rcAg |
c.308 | ANTIPATROS Island in Cyclades, under Macedonia from 338, comes under Egypt until 197. | 308 rcAg |
CONFUSION ALERT! PHAROS island is in the Adriatic. PAROS island is in the Cyclades.
c.308 | ANDROS island, Macedonian garrison from ? is expelled by Ptolemy-I. | 308 BHS 1-113 |
c.308 | PTOLEMY-I, sails to Peloponnese. | 308 DGRBM 3-583, atl4 |
c.307 | LEMNOS island, under Macedonia from 323, comes under Athens until 295. | 307 OCD 594 |
c.306 | IKARIA Island at north end of Dodecanese, under Macedonia from 334, comes under Antigonus until 301. | 306 rcAg |
c.306 | SAMOTHRACE Island, under Macedonia from 346, comes under Antigonus until 301. | 306 rcAg |
c.306 | HYDRA Island off coast of Argolis, under Argos from 379, comes under Antigonus until 301. | 306 rcAg |
c.306 | DEMETRIUS-I, son of Antigonus-I, in Greece from 307, sails 118 ships to Cyprus, lands unopposed, defeats Ptolemy's bro Menelaos, who retires to the town of Salamis, where Demetrius with only 10 galleys blockades the Egyptian fleet of 60 ships in the harbor of Salamis. | 307 GHH 306 CAH 7.1-57, DGRBM 2-1039, ISBE 1-843, 3-1048, TAG 8, atl4, hwD, lvD, wikCyp, wikD1M |
c.306 | PTOLEMY-I with 140 warships arrives off SALAMIS Cyprus, crushed by 108 warships of DEMETRIUS-I, son of Antigonus-I, and ally Medios of Larissa, using a Λ TORTION CATAPULT. Ptolemy loses 120 ships, and does not even gather his men when he escapes to Egypt. Menelaos and the 60 ships at Salamis surrender. | 308 Dur 2-558 306 B76 III-456, 8-378, 15-181, CDCC 607, CHJ 2-48, DGRBM 1-962, 2-1004, GHH, LEWH 90, OCD 325, Shaw 397, TAG 8, 81, atl4, lvD, lvG, wikD1M |
c.306 | THEMISON of Samos, naval officer under Demetrius-I, commands part of the fleet of Demetrius, in the sea-fight off Salamis Cyprus. | 306 DGRBM 3-1023 |
c.306 | HELEPOLIS, siege tower of Demetrius at Salamis: square base, 120 feet high. Divided into 9 stories, lower contains machines for throwing large stones, middle contains catapults for throwing spears, highest contains smaller stone-throwing machines and catapults. Rests on 4 wheels 8 cubits in diameter. Manned by 200 troops plus those who push it at the bottom. | 306 CDGRA 343 |
c.306 | SHIPS at Salamis are biremes 65' x 8' with 52 oars, though triremes were in use from 650. No more data on Mediterranean ships until 880CE. | 306 LS 42 |
c.306 | CYPRUS, under Ptolemy-I from 312, comes under DEMETRIUS-I, son of Antigonus-I, until 294. | 306 CAH 7.1, DGRBM 1-962, hCyp, wikCyp, wikHC |
c.306 | After Salamis DEMETRIUS-I, son of Antigonus-I rules the Aegean down to his fall in 288. Antigonus-I controls 198 warships, making their combined total 330 warships. | 306 TAG 81, 82 |
c.306 | ANTIGONUS-I Monophthalmus, and ally Medios of Larissa, try to invade Egypt by land and sea, get as far as the Nile, fight PTOLEMY-I until 305. | 306 DGRBM 2-1004, OCD 69, Shaw 389, TAG 9, atl4, wikWD |
c.306 | RHODES, supposedly friendly to Antigonus-I, refuses to support Demetrius-I in his attack on Ptolemy-I. | 306 BHS 1-113 |
c.305 | DEMETRIUS, son of Antigonus-I besieges RHODES city until 304. He uses ships transformed into floating battle towers, catapults, rams, a 9 story wheeled siege tower, and a battering ram 55m long, requiring 1000 men to operate it. But Rhodes is supported by Cassander, Lysimachus, and especially by Ptolemy-I. Rhodians repel 2 assaults before Ptolemy's ships arrive. | 305 B76 1-990, 8-378, 381, BHS 1-113, CAH 7.1, CDCC 821, DGRBM 1-963, 3-583, LEWH 90, MCAW 178, OCD 325, OHG, TAG 9, atl4, hwD, lvD, lvG, wikD1M, wikWD 304 GHH 304/3 ISBE 4-183 |
c.305 | A HELEPOLIS siege tower (bigger than the one at Salamis) used by Demetrius at Rhodes: square base, each side is 90 cubits high by 45 wide at the base, tapers toward the top. Divided into 9 stories, lower contains machines for throwing large stones, middle contains catapults for throwing spears, highest contains smaller stone-throwing machines and catapults. Rests on 4 wheels 8 cubits in diameter, plus castors to move laterally as well as forward & back. Manned by 200 troops plus those who push it at the bottom. | 306 DGRA 590 305 CDGRA 343 |
c.305 | IOS Island in Cyclades, independent from 378, under Seleucus until 301. | 305 rcAg |
c.305 | PATMOS Island in Dodecanese, under Macedonia from 316, comes under Antigonos-I until 301. | 305 rcAg |
c.305 | Earliest Roman contacts (friendly) with Rhodes. | 306 SORH 305 CAH 8-84 |
c.304 | RHODES besieged by Demetrius-I, receives grain supplies from Lysimachus and Cassander. | 304 DGRBM 2-868 |
c.304 | DEMETRIUS, son of Antigonus-I, besieging RHODES from 305, thwarted by valiant Rhodian defenses and PTOLEMY-I, makes a compromise peace with Rhodes. Rhodians promise loyalty to Antigonus and Demetrius, and would support them against all enemies, except Ptolemy. Demetrius gives the Rhodians his siege engines, which they sell and use the money to build the Colossus. | 304 B76 8-378, 381, 15-181, LEWH 90, CAH 7.1-58, DGRBM 1-188, 3-583, MCAW 178-9, OCD 325, OHG, TAG 9, hwD, wikCyp |
c.304 | RHODES names Demetrius-I POLIORCETES (city taker), and Ptolemy-I SOTER (savior), by which they are called ever since. | 304 B76 8-378, MCAW 178, atl4, lvD |
c.303 | COLOSSUS of Rhodes, designed by Chares of Lindus, construction begins. | 304 B76 8-378 303 atl4 290 GHH |
c.303 | Temple of Athene at Lindus on the east coast of Rhodes dedicated by Ptolemy-I. | 303 atl4 |
c.302 | PLEISTARCHOS, bro of Cassander, with 12,000 inf and 500 cav sails from Greece to join Lysimachus in Anatolia. Since the Hellespont is occupied by Demetrius, he tries to sail from Odessos to Heraclea, but loses most of his ships to Demetrius' navy and a storm. Pleistarchos narrowly escapes shipwreck but gets some of his troops to Anatolia. | 302 DGRBM 3-412, lvD |
c.301 | THASOS island under Antigonus from 311, comes under Seleucids until 281. | 301 rcAg |
c.301 | IKARIA Island at north end of Dodecanese, under Antigonus from 306, comes under Egypt until 281. | 301 rcAg |
c.301 | IOS Island in Cyclades under Seleucus from 305, comes under Egypt until 255. | 301 rcAg |
c.301 | SAMOTHRACE Island, under Antigonus from 306, no longer under Antigonus. Remains autonomous until 133. | 301 rcAg |
c.301 | HYDRA Island off coast of Argolis, under Antigonus from 306, comes under Macedonia until 146. | 301 rcAg |
c.301 | STRATONICE, sis of Perdiccas, in Cilicia waiting for results of Ipsus, sails to Salamis Cyprus, and drops out of history. | 301 DGRBM 3-925 |
c.301 | NAXOS Island, under Macedonia from 338, joins Island League until 275. | 301 rcAg |
c.301 | DELOS Island in Cyclades, under Macedonia from 338, independent until 166. | 301 rcAg |
c.301 | PATMOS Island in Dodecanese, under Antigonos from 305, comes under Seleucids until 276. | 301 rcAg |
East Mediterranean 300-201